Our Programs
Team Building
This powerful workshop will transform any group of people into a cohesive team.
Our Programs
Team Building
This powerful workshop will transform any group of people into a cohesive team.
Our Programs
Team Building
This powerful workshop will transform any group of people into a cohesive team.
Ryan Mekenian is an Armenian-American director based in his hometown of Los Angeles. He recently completed his master’s in Film & T.V. Production at the U.S.C. School of Cinematic Arts. Ryan’s screenplay, “The Man in the Flying Lawn Chair,” was named a quarterfinalist of the 2022 Academy Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting and won the 2021 Screenwriting Discovery Award Grand Prize at the Rhode Island International Film Festival. His film, “Spokespeople,” a short documentary about L.A.’s bicycling communities, won Best Film for Change at the Bolton International Film Festival & Best Doc Short at the Rhode Island International Film Festival. In addition, “Spokespeople” screened at 35 other festivals worldwide, including the Planet in Focus International Environmental Film Festival and the American Pavilion’s Emerging Filmmaker Showcase at the Cannes Film Festival. He currently works as an Associate Digital Producer for Family Feud.